She became the fortieth monarch to reign in England since William I of England (William the Conqueror)
inherited the throne in 1066. She was the sixth woman to sit in the British throne, and the monarch who
reigned for a longer time.
She was born in London as the eldest daughter of Kings George VI and Elizabeth. Her father got the
throne after the abdication of his brother Eduard VII. Then she worked in the British Army during the II
World War. After that, when her father died she became queen of the seven independent nations:
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon. Finally she
married in 1953.
This book talks about the life of the British Royal Family when a Republican political party won the
election. The Queen and her family would leave Buckingham Palace to live in a poor London
neighborhood. It wasn't easy for any of them to start a new life, without luxuries.
The Queen was the first to adapt, she thought that they couldn’t depend on the neighbors. Her son
Charles and her daughter Anne also adapted quickly.
The entire Royal Family discovered that the new neighbours were very good people even though they
haven’t education. Thanks to them, the Queen and her family learned to survive and to be humbler.
After losing the new elections, Jack Barcker obligated the Queen to abdicate. The next day, the Queen
looked at her new home, after climbing down the van, she said: “Our furniture will never go through that
small front door”, because the house was very small compared to her old palace. She also complained
that she didn’t want to share wall with ne neighbours.
Days later the Queen wanted to cook something, but she needed a 50 pence coin to turn on the heather.
But the Queen answered that she never had a 50 pence coin, also Charles answered the same because
in the palace they never needed to pay anything.
When they could cook they saw a box with food, there was a tin of beef. Harris (the dog) wanted it, but
the family in spite of not having food they complained because it looked like dog food.
When they got the money, the Queen cutted her hand, after coming back from the hospital, she decided
to learn how to do things from home. They tried to prepare a cup of tea but they didn’t know how to do it
because in the palace they had servants that they prepared their tea.
The Queen saw his son with his gardening clothes and hisponytail. She was furious becaused she told
him that with that kind of clothes he looked liked a ‘poor and uneducated person’.
When the Queen went to her daughter house, she turned on the TV and saw Jack Barker talking about
his new govern, without differences between social classe. The Queen thought that it was a good idea
but very expensive, she thought how Jack Barker could find the money.
After the death of the Queen Mother, the Queen thought that her family was a chaos: Philip was in a
psychiatric hospital, her son Charles run away to Scotland, Edward was disappeared and her mother had
died. Anne was with a wroker and Diane was with a black man. But the Queen thought that Jack Barker
would abdicate and the family will return to the palace.
The Queen was so happy about that so she celebrate a party with the neighbours while they see the
TV. Finally England and Japan become friends, so England didn’t have to pay the back all the money
they used and the Emperor’s daughter, Sayako was with her husband: Edward, the Queen’s son.
We can see that in the novel the Queen had a very nice change in her attitude sympathizing with people
who were previously much poorer than her, we see that sher really suffer but at the end when she said
the last sentence, she had apparently learned.
In our opinion the book reflects very well the other face of the people, when they are in adverse situations.
The Queen has the main role in this novel, at first she seems superior over the rest of the people, but
while the story develops, we can see a kinder Queen.
Although the attitude of the queen herself seems strange to us, since before the elections she had the
same attitude as when she lost the elections, so governing a country by treating the workers badly does
not seem right to us. We think that the Queen's loss of the elections has been a good lesson.
Presentation -> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1a0ivDjbqLKnv7s3wOyLTEnl3zdU62pyDkT5DE9EUpKE/edit?usp=sharing
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