The Queen and I (Prince Philip)

 Prince Philip

The story of prince Philip in the  book The Queen and I is in my opinion the worst or the one that takes in the worst way the republican win and the ejection from buckingham palace 

That made the royal family go to live in a poor neighborhood . The first time he saw it he started to become sad , because he lost all the luxury life they had . He was so sad that he stayed in bed for a lot of days and didn't eat anything.

The  queen was worried about him and talked to the social helper about him but it didn't help.

One morning that was really cold Philip, undressed and unwashed, thought of going out but he didn't make it because of the street smell and it was ugly there. "I shall stay inside until I die", he said.

Also the queen worried and told to him to do something but he refused and said NOTHING, I'LL JUST LIE IN BED.

He was really depressed and the queen started not to care about him and sometimes she forgot about him. One day the queen came back and stared at him and asked why he was so miserable at what he responded  that he had lost everything and that which was the point of life.

He ended up in a mental health hospital where we lost contact with him.
